Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


well, i knew it was happening, but nothing quite prepares you for the shock of coming home to find a gaping hole in the back of your home. Worse still i actually played my part in creating this mini battlefield look in my back garden.
Hey ho i guess i have no choice but to build the extension and mighty quickly too.
I have to be honest and admit to getting that boyhood thrill of demolishing something, causing serious mayhem with some heavy machinery. You know some days i miss working on site.[[
Please pay particular attention to the street sign/bollard/whatever. I came into possesion of this little treasure after a meal out with my mum. Bless her for humouring her little drunken angel. Anyway that was 11 years ago and no doubt i should have gotten rid of the thing but it has suvived being a feature of two gouch rooms, (there would have been a third but fatherhood jumped in and apparently made me grow up, i personally think its a filthy rumour), and not too mention relocation to london. It just seems that to get rid of it now would be like throwing a family member out on the street.

Anyway thats todays blip, which comes to you courtesy of my new sony digital camera. This is really sad but its my first digital one, always got by with the one on my phone until i started this blipping site, or was that bleeping site. And also the fact that i am sitting in my garden doing this wi-fi thingy on my laptop.
Now i'm off to get down to some of my 78's.
Night folks./b]/i]

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