Discovering New Dream Worlds

I was having a chat with Mr toad and I told him of a dream I had had the other night.
I was with my friend M. I was so happy to see him. …..He passed over a few years ago and I had been missing him….we had traveled together in India for many miles and had the best of times…In fact I had never had so much fun traveling and exploring with another.
In the dream it was like no time had passed and we were laughing and talking about fabulous and silly things…we talked about when we went climbing the hills at the back of Mt Abu and drinking Chai with the Sadhus that lived in the caves there and after dinner at 8pm we would hire a boat and sit out on the lake until it was time to turn in.
I told Mr Toad that I felt sad when I woke… that he M… is no longer with us…he listened… nodded sagely and started humming a very strange tune which immediately sent me off into dreamland and this is what happened.

M and I were sitting on top of Lakshmi (a very fabulous elephant we met in Udaipur) traveling toward a very bright light. As we went through the light it felt a bit like being tickled and swimming in fizzy water all at the same time. We then went through a door in a very HUGE tree and arrived into a most beautiful landscape with swirling clouds a sparkling lake…….mountains and a very grumpy owl….who told us that we had to behave…. as he was the guardian of the place he would be keeping a very sharp eye on us both and that 'big smelly beast'…..(I think he was talking about Lakshmi).
We picnicked for a while and lay on the beautiful fragrant soft ground…. chewed on long bits of grass and just enjoyed being together in the sun.

It was the most wonderful day/dream.

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