Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Lunchtime at The Mill

I woke up feeling a bit off colour this morning. After a late breakfast I was discussing what we were going to do about eating as we were leaving at 5.30 pm to go to a performance of The Armed Man at the Sage, Gateshead. Guy suggested a late lunch at one of our local pub restaurants. I know the picture is a bit fuzzy, it's a bit how I felt today.

Posting Sunday morning as we didn't get back from Gateshead until after 11.30 pm. Fortunately by the time we left for Gateshead I was feeling back to normal. The performance by the Newcastle Choral Society in celebration of their 60th anniversary was great. As well as The Armed Man the choir also performed the world premiere of Will Todd's new choral work The Dream of the River.

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