Got my eyes on you..

..Chores, breakfast, Archers, pottering, walk, tea..

Typical Sunday, but took Tanni for a walk in the hills.

The great thing about Scourie is that you can get into the hills and iose yourself for a few hours. We parked by Lochan Dubh a' Breac Leathaid, and followed the fishermans path into the hills. Very soon, you loose signs of the road, and you could be in a wilderness never trodden by man. I carried no map, I relied on the sentinels of Arkle, Stac, Quinag, and the long arm of the Stoer peninsular to get bearings. And the wintry sun. We've just had the driest November in near 25 years, but the ground is sodden. Every step is like walking through soaked sponges. Mostly, the ground takes your weight, but often it hides a deep patch of moss, and you end up with wet boots, inside and out..

The air is still, and there is no sound. No sound. A few paces on, and a trickling burn supplies the music as it flows through rock and peat, unseen. A distant ATV is heard, but not seen. The ground rises in small peaks of 150 m, which give views to the far reaches of the Sutherland landscape. From Durness in the North, to Stac and beyond to the East, Assynt to the South, and the Western Isles across the Minch.

We find Loch na Mnatha, Loch of the women, and go around it. Mostly at loch level, but also climbing to a peak on the far side. It was here we put up a black grouse. Tanni found a small loch and decided to swim it. Only then did she discover it was stagnant mud with a thin covering of water. Her footprints are still visible in it!

Back to the car, and a quick rinse in the dog washing machine before going home. Only out for an hour and a half, and did about three miles.. A nice stroll..


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