Raising their game
With a final burst of baking, the goodies were delivered to the village hall for the skate park coffee morning.
'Skate park' and 'coffee morning' are not two phrases that would normally go side by side - but the team pushing for a skate park in our village put on a great event this morning. This is some of the lads demonstrating the evident need for the park - reduced as they are to jumping over their friends' prone bodies while trying to avoid the grey box and all the broken glass on the path.
There is, in our conservative, genteel village some opposition. Most of it is currently of the sneering, behind closed doors variety, but I fear there will be fireworks when the planning process starts in earnest. But I'll bet almost anything that the folk who complain will be same group as the folk who complain about "those youths" hanging around on street corners. What else are they supposed to do when they get bored of watching The One Show with their parents?
After the coffee morning (where I was fantastically lucky in the tombola, but unlucky in the raffle), Katherine headed off to a friends and the rest of us went for a very long walk at Tyninghame. Wonderful day for it - bright, blue skies, just a hint of winter in the air. Lots of folk on the beach had barbies and fires going, and there was a fair amount of bare-legged paddling going on. We ended up walking much further than we intended, dragged on by the irresistible lure of 'what's around that corner'.
Then home, famished, to gorge on the baking that didn't make it to the coffee morning.
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