shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Gingerbread Fun

A really lovely evening decorating gingerbread houses in the company of some lovely ladies from church. Much hilarity, creativity and very taste canapés and desserts. And the gingerbread house even survived the trip home in my bike basket! Also a lot of ironing, not so interesting, and a few hours at work, which was fun, and included the first Christmas carol singing of the season at OICCU.

Callum is a wee legend, and is doing very well. He's taking fighting the ventilator to new heights, taking great delight in messing with it by holding his breath, and going for all the cables as per usual! As soon as he is completely off various drugs, they will take him off the ventilator, but it is now likely to be well before Christmas, impatient wee trouble making control freak that he is!

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