
Having not really seen the sun for several days it was a treat to walk across the Links in bright sunshine - I think we're all in need of more Vitamin D. We did more tidying up at the allotment and D replenished the bird feeders. He moved them around too; the sparrows were only briefly perplexed, but the robin was very indignant that the delicious suet cakes with dead insect bits in had been moved away from a convenient perch. He was having a bit of difficulty accessing them, and here you see him eyeing up the cakes above and planning his next move. I was going to crop the photo down until I noticed that you can see his shadow on the wall behind as well as that of the feeder. (Stone me, that's a flower out on the forsythia!)

I seemed to disturb a couple of sleepy ladybirds when I was dismantling the bean teepees, and it turns out that one of them has come home with us!

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