
By schlimm


It's been too long. I've religiously blipped every day this year (except perhaps one or two) but the blips are still on camera or on the computer but have not yet made it onto blip proper and before it gets too late I've decided to finally post one or two of them.

Today was another Saturday of ferrying the kids around. Although with the sunshine and the distinct smell of spring around even the walking to and from seems easier. Albeit with a buggy, buggy board and sometimes reluctant L it's not always easy to get from A to B.

First I took A and S to pick up L from her sleepover and headed to the rocketchurch playpark (the one near Barclay's church) where I spent the whole time making sure S didn't run into the swings, fall off the slide or get run over by her sisters, give A a push and another and another and so on on the swings and admire L's diving technique on the slide (which went wrong most of the time since she was still tired from the lack of sleep at the sleepover) so all in all the playpark was not a great experience, I've only got two hands and cannot easily look after all three girls when they each want to do their own thing. Maybe I should try another playpark...

Then back home for lunch and off to a surprise birthday party. Very successful and on the way there I finally blipped this mirror which had intrigued me for a while. Unfortunately the digger to which it is attached was not positioned in the best blipping way but I still quite like the effect.

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