Today I Are Mostly.......

Gardening and putting up the outside lights.
Rain forecast for during the night and we've had a few dry days, apart from the morning mist, so did some cutting back and lawn cutting. Still wet and messy but at least it's done, and the garden waste bin gets emptied tomorrow so it gone from empty to full.

Putting up the lights was the usual annual fiasco of 'Where are the outside lights'. Last year we bought lights so that they all matched, rather than the 'bluey', 'Bright White', 'Warm White' which all give a different type of light. Goodness knows what happened to them but we couldn't get the little tree (to the right of the door) and the lights around the door to match with the long ones across the front. So I went off to Homebase to get a set of 3 lights. 2 x short and 1 x long and now we are all sorted.

And the bike is out of the garage as I'm off to an RBLR evening tonight (Royal British Legion Riders Branch).

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