Be watchful! Be alert!
As the readings for the first Sunday of Advent tells us.
This poor little girl was neither watchful nor alert as she flew into our window. I found her still dazed on the front walk as I left for work, and tried to move her to a safer location, where perhaps the cat would not find her if he got out of the house. But she did not like the planter I tried to hide her in, and chose instead to flutter to the ground and rest in the leaves. She knew better than I, obviously, because she blended in so beautifully.
She must have had a horrid headache; she couldn't keep her eyes open for long. After snapping her picture I went inside and left a note for the sleeping Ken to please keep the cat in until we knew whether she would recover.
He did, and she was gone when I returned home several hours later.
Be watchful! Be alert!
PS...a female Purple Finch (I think)
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