Always a Lady, Just Like a lady Should be...

For the first time ever, my blip didn't load, and I had worked hard on it.

I have seen people commenting over the last four and a half years - saying "argh, I have lost my work". It's never happened to me til now.

I wrote two Haiku, after being inspired by Simon Mayo's Book Club tonight, and a book written by Denis Theriault. A Quebec based author.

I had to discuss it with Boy - he was taught by a published Haiku professor at University, because I find the forced 5, 7, 5 very difficult to do.

And I can't remember how the first one went. Something about Winter Wardrobes.... Dang. 17 Syllables and I can't even remember that.

It's the same as
my summer one with a
cardigan added for some heat

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