Feeding Time

Hi Tom

These guys are lining up on the tree and seem to be taking it in turns to have a feed. I've bought enough feeding balls to last all winter. I just love watching them. I've put this on the pear tree. Steve my painter knows lots about birds and tell me what kinds I have in the garden. Apparently we are lucky with the variety we have.

Not much done today, although I have wrapped the presents. My bedroom was a tip with bags everywhere. The only way I could tidy up was to wrap them up. Anyway it's done. This is so unlike me to be organised.

Found out tonight that my pilates class is carrying on throughout Christmas which I'm really pleased about. I have so much admiration for our instructor as she is having chemo and apparently her cancer is very aggressive. Her hair has started to fall out this week. She had beautiful hair. But she soldiers on and is taking it in her stride. I learn a lot from her....not just the pilates.

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