Raindrops on Roses

What a miserable day. Started out with Kirsty's coat on and me with my new brolly it was that drizzly rain that soaks you through. Got to the fields and met up with a 6 month old puppy. He and Kirsty have met before and played together. Said puppy wanted to play again, Kirsty obliged, coat came off, coat got ripped, finally puppy went back to owner Tina not too happy. We pressed on, new brolly turned inside out and thought it was broken, Tina not too happy. Onwards again the wind was blowing, the rain was raining and the mud was squelching......not a good walk.

Now this little Rose is still plodding on in it's glory and still surviving in December so just had to be blipped. Coat can be mended and brolly not broken!! Enjoy your evening all, love Tina and Kirsty dog xx

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