
Continuing the theme of Library Tuesday...

At Book Club this morning, the temperature in the new library building was reportedly a balmy 15c, though it felt much colder! Along with the library staff, we kept our coats on for the morning, I even had to put my gloves on, it was that chilly. The reason? The automatic door that was fitted in the brand new state of the art building, that's only been open just over a month, does not close automatically if it's windy!! So on a windy Winter's day you can be guaranteed of a cold welcome at the library!

Despite all the negative points to the new library, I must admit that it does look quite eye-catching after dark, especially when the community room is lit up, and with the Christmas tree twinkling outside. I was on my way to Waitrose, where with help of some vouchers, and various special offers, I managed to stop up on £88 worth of wine for Christmas, for the bargain price of £40! Cheers!!

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