
By RoseFamily

Extreme tooth brushing

Balian wrestling Simba the lion whilst brushing his teeth. Whatever works! Nathaniel is still loving his light up sonic toothbrush too, and proudly saying "the dentist would be really happy" I hope so too, anything to keep his injured, discoloured tooth as healthy as possible.
Solo parenting finished off ok, both boys happy and fast asleep well before Andy home. Nate had fun at supper preparing scones, he loves cutting food up for everyone at the moment (or "I'll stab it with my knife mummy" as he puts it). He also gives us such teeny tiny portions...."this big one of Bayo" as he passed me a sultana with a crumb attached! So generous at sharing his food (Andy?!)
Baked the cake for the party today, always takes longer than expected to do.

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