Foggy Day - 2

If it's foggy and you know it ... blip the hall ...

We both woke up very late this morning. My arms were still hurting from yesterday's physio session and I had moved today's class to yesterday, so all was 'at ease' today. Did go to work, later in the afternoon

... but not before I had finished the small but important (to me, anyway) housekeeping chore I had started yesterday evening, and especially not before I had bought a small electric heater for my use in the attic. The radiator there is supposed to be in working condition but apparently it isn't; I would like to be able to do some work there in the evenings but the cold is such a turn off. Hubby had always been of the opinion that there was abs no need to buy a portable heater but, on the other hand, he hasn't been able to repair the problem, so we've tacitly decided to leave it for whoever is going to buy the house when we're gone, which will be years and years from now ... we hope. *wry laughter here ...*

The main 'hall' at work. Nope, no seasonal decor yet. It sometimes looks like a train station or the check-in lobby of a small airport.

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