Feeling festive

Christmas jumpers at the ready this morning for our last music class of the year. It was a wet and windy walk down to the hall but we were all nice and cosy warm.

Little man has woken up full of cold this morning. I wasn't sure how he was going to be during the class but it actually seemed to perk him up a bit. He didn't join in very much but preferred to sit on my lap watching the others. He then slept for over 2 1/2 hours when we got home. Me and P made the most of the time by snuggling up and watching Enchanted. Nothing better on a cold rainy day.

This afternoon we popped out to Kiddicare to stock up on some baby proofing essentials. Little man is into everything! Nothing is safe. He loves pulling out all the old magazines and bits from under the coffee table, he can't go into the hallway without getting all the keys out of the pot and he makes a beeline straight for the TV and switches it on and off! He also has a fascination with doors! Open, close and open again. Ok I thought, I'm getting the safety latches out. Mummy 1 - 0 A, but then he starts opening the drawers instead. Argh I don't remember P being like this....it must be a boy thing...!

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