Lali's World

By Lali

Graveyard lamp post at sunset

As the sun goes down, all the lamp posts are lit up. I took this photo at Greyfriars graveyard.

I had a day off today, so I had a long lie in. The plan was to leave the flat earlyish so I could get the last of the sunshine after the gym but, as usual, I left too late. When I finally went to the gym I knew I would struggle to see the last of the sunshine after my session. In the winter it feels like a race against the light, doesn't it? I did my gym session as fast as I could but, by the time I left, it was already quarter to four so, too late, unfortunately! I managed to get a bit of the dusk though, as you can see in the picture...

I've done my food shopping and a washing already and I'm hoping to get some time this evening to sort out my pictures in the computer. I haven't had my dinner yet though, so see how it goes...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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