
By mar

I figure if my kids are alive at the end ...

I figure if my kids are alive at the end of the day, I've done my job.
~Roseanne Barr

Happy Mother's Day/Grand Prix Day.

I realize not everyone is a mom and was going to try and do a non-Mother's Day blip but honestly, nothing else is happening today - which is brilliant! But Happy Sunday to everyone!!

Woke up to some wonderful gifts (some from secret's room, some from Michael) and some delightful cards that were handmade by Charlotte. I also was privileged to a One-off special Daddy/Daughter Dance which they rehearsed (apparently over and over and over again) last night and this morning. Needless to say, I was in fits of laughter. Charlotte also made me a lovely flower arrangement at Brownies this week but I don't like cut flowers and chocolates so we gave them to Nanny, who absolutely loved them.

Tonight, I'll be treated to a homemade meal - we were going to go out but a) that meant changing out of my jogging outfit which isn't an option and b) it's a lot more fun watching Daddy and Charlotte work in the kitchen then going out for a meal.

I won't be calling my mom tonight as the states don't celebrate until May. I did try and get two Mother's Day out of Michael when Charlotte was younger. It was nice while it lasted.

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