Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Present for you.

Our computer system has been updated at work. I use this expression in the very loosest sense.

When I logged on at 8am Tuesday morning, it took an hour to go through the process which eventually ended in me being logged on to the 'updated' version. Which has, incidentally, removed all of my shortcuts and customised toolbars, changed all my settings, and destroyed most of my templates. So that was good.

Also, my cold is back full strength; I spent most of the day snorkelling and coughing, choking and sneezing, and being generally disgusting to work beside. And amongst my tasks today was trying to organise the Secret Santa draw for the Staff Meeting tomorrow. Tricky, as I'd be happiest with someone giving me a packet of Lemsip and a box of tissues!

Got home and Rocky immediately rushed off to bring me one of his toys, forced it into my hand, and then studiously ignored my efforts to get him to take it back again. Maybe it was a hint that he'd like a new Tuggy for Christmas.

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