whisper of wings...
...from a morning dove
on a crisp cool day - in december - already the last - month of the year - where has it gone
i have noticed - if you listen - very closely - every bird - has its own - individual identification of - wing singing - i don't know how - else to describe it - when they fly - by you - either taking off - or landing - their wings sing - you can be standing very close - to them with your - eyes open or closed - and, if you've been paying - attention, you should - be able to - identify the type - of bird by the - sound of its wings - i kid you not - try it - ducks, geese, flickers - this morning dove - i heard her - without seeing her - which is how i got - this shot today - i never actually - saw her - i never even really - knew i'd gotten it - until i'd uploaded - to my computer - oh, what joy - to see it on the screen - for i have wanted - her since she - visits my little lake - and i always seem to miss her - this has made for...
happy day.....
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