Very Royal

I went over to my fiends place this morning so she could sign some paperwork for me. She is a artist and the responsible for getting back to painting a few years ago after seeing one of my paintings from the early 80's. I haven't seen much of lately .. she was the one I was going to go to see the film 'Finding Vivian Maier' with. She had forgotten as she has been busy painting.

One of her latest works .. as like all the others over the past few years is about the run around with EQC (The Earthquake Commission). So she is letting of steam with her artworks. The one she wanted me to see today is partly finished but just couldn't work out what to do with some bits. It is large work made mostly of bits and pieces from buildings etc she finds when walking about where buildings have been demolished.

Because of what I suggested we took my car to some places where we may find some bits that would work for the background. We found some great things and she was so happy. Sorry I can not elaborate more on her master piece as she doesn't want people to see it yet. Photos of her artworks are not aloud at any stage. In some ways she is a little like "Vivian Maier' as she doesn't like her name used either.

While we were out gathering I was talking photos of things and then my camera died.. well just the automatic focusing has stopped working. I was lucky to have taken a lovely shot of my friend iris before we went out... and it was the best shot I took so I didn't have much choice from for my shot today. I can still manually take shots but have never really used that as I am lazy. I took out the battery and turned it of and on but still it didn't work. Maybe a excess to get a new camera!

Has anyone got any suggestions on what is a good camera for me to get?

Thank you all for your lovely comments which helped get yesterdays shot to hit the spotlight for the first time in over a year.

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