
It took a bit to get into that state but eventually I managed it.

The Aunty and Uncle arrived this morning to look after the barmy army, Weim and Grandpa and Mr R and I hopped in the car to the Ayrshire coadt for an afternoon at Turnberry.

It was fantastic. Wee swim, hot tub, sauna and then a massage and facial. Not forgetting the wee glass of Prosecco and the petit fours.

According to the therapist I need three massages a week to ease my tense! Will maybe try and be a bit better on that front but I don't think I can either afford the money or time for that:-)

Nipped in for a bite to eat at The Old Loans in on the way back home and then hot footed it back to Stirling to release the Aunty and Uncle.

Thank-you Gillian and Paul the time away and the activity were very much appreciated.

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