Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Adding insult to injury

That basket contains 14 wise men, with a remaining 11 stashed elsewhere, with 38 of my share delivered to shops. And I have hit a bump in the road. ..
Somehow, I have developed some excruciatingly sore shin splints, but thankfully only in one leg. So on Monday & Tuesday, I limped into shops, dog collar on and basket in hand to persuade shop keepers to join in the scavenger hunt by placing a wise guy in their windows.
It was too sore to even venture out today, and I resorted to ice packs from my lunchbox! Tomorrow I shall be sensible and work from my bed, otherwise how will this improve? But boy, am I frustrated..
I really didn't need a lesson on how to slow down right now - time's a ticking! . Thanks God!

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