Work Commenced

At long last we have another builder, who is getting on with the job and although he had to be away from this site today, on another job that he is completing, he made significant progress during the time that he was here yesterday. Our previous builder left us with a broken soil pipe to our septic tank, which he had broken with a JCB and the first job that our current builder has done is to repair this; it took about two and a half hours using his digger. He has started to position the foundation blocks and to move in most of his heavy materials, this is why I say that progress is relatively rapid; long may this continue. The standard of the work that he has done is also very good.

Today is a dull, cold, wet day, it is raining at present, so choosing a blip was not as easy as it might be and I could not show things as well as I would have liked to do.

Kitty Boy, just in case you are looking, your girlfriend Florence is about one third in from the left-hand side and about one third up the picture, laying on a thermalite block.

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