Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The lightships project

I now have my copy of the Lightships book. It is an interesting account of how the Fenland churches have had and still have an important place in the cultural life of this rural community. I was pleased to see a photo of our bell ringing team and a page of transcript of a conversation I had with the author about local clocks and clockmakers. If you want to read the page you will have to go large.

I hold with the statement made by François Matarasso, the author.

"My writing, research and work in community art rests on the belief that everyone has the right to create art and to share the result, as well as to enjoy and participate in the creations of others. Shaping your own cultural identity – and having it recognised by others – is central to human dignity and growth. If people can’t represent themselves culturally how can they do so in any other way, including politically? If people are only imagined and portrayed by others, how can they be full, free and equal members of society?In every society, people’s access to culture is very uneven. Those who identify with dominant cultures have no difficulty creating and promoting their values. Others, passively or actively denied cultural resources, platforms and legitimacy, remain on the margins."

The book is available for free download here.

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