My Life With Luna

By chrisA

For Penny

My brother phoned late last night with the sad news that his Yellow Labrador Penny had passed away yesterday. He is absolutely devastated as she had been his constant and faithful companion for fourteen and a half years.
Everyone who knew her loved her and she was known throughout the village for her friendly nature. She came into his life soon after his first wife lost her battle with breast cancer and was with him twenty four hours a day, their bond was so strong she knew just what he was thinking and doing.
When I went to visit she knew the sound of my car and was always at the gate wagging her tail, a welcome I shall miss terribly.
She had a little Jack Russell friend called Sidney, who lived in another part of the village and they were often seen around the farm having taken themselves for a walk and looking just like Darby and Joan.
We will miss you Pen.

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