
By earthdreamer

Brewing Up

Those last few little jobs that I referred to last night bred while I was asleep and spawned the devil of a mess to clear up today. I should know better than to work late when my eyes are closing over in tiredness. I was so keen to finish the job and wake up to a fresh start that I rushed things. One small mistake and an erroneous assumption proved disastrous.

Lots of tea was brewed in the morning. I tried to sort things out before going into the office. An hour passed, and then another. The sun doesn't enter the kitchen until quite late in the morning, as it has to rise above the moor to the south of the town. This was my fourth brew. I may not be in this house much longer so it feels appropriate to celebrate it when I get an opportunity like this. I eventually made it into work in the middle of the afternoon, by which point I think I'd reached the sixth brew. I was struggling.

And thank you for yesterday. Even when I post an image of a brick wall you are still able to come up with a stream of original, interesting and inventive things to say. You never cease to amaze me. You are a truly clever and generous bunch of people.

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