
By Fritha

Day 3

I can't help but the feel the elf has outdone herself artistically with this one, just look at the creativity!

A sledge/sleigh and look at the queue waiting to go on! Midget made sure each of them had a turn then after school turned it into Merry's fun world (when essentially meant putting pegs on the hill and dangling Merry off them!)

Today she took a picture into school of Merry's antics but no time to show the teacher, Year one at Christmas is a busy place! She did get to show her friends though.

I was glad that the lady coming for the baby carrier consultation didn't have boisterous toddlers with her as frankly I'm not sure the structural integrity of the hill could have coped (it may have fallen apart of a few goes with the sledge...) and it certainly couldn't be easily hidden away! This something the elf should have a think about in future when she's getting up to silliness!

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