My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Scrabbling around

Another trip over to the Princess Royal in Telford today and although I was invited to a talk on the new coagulation analyser -with free lunch!- I ended up strolling around Apley wood again.

I was going to go to the talk but we had a bit of an issue with the potassium assay so I wanted to stay and get it sorted. Thankfully it all worked third time round and I got to go on lunch while others were still in the presentation. So I decided to make the most of my break and get a breath of fresh air...and a picture of a squirrel's arse!

This wasn't the most classic squirrel picture but I thought it was slightly more interesting than just sat looking petrified...and it was Laura's choice.

It's funny working in new places with new people as you find out that they know other people you've worked with including 2 people I used to work with at Stafford. One was a lovely man and the other was a nice young boy apparently...
...not necessarily how I'd describe them.

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