It's beginning to smell...
... a lot like Christmas. Inevitably, when eventually cooled, brandied and jarred, this filled three Kilner jars... and a bit. Still, I think the 'bit' just means I have to make mince pies tomorrow - so that's not so bad.
This morning started slowly. It would have been positively stationary if I hadn't had to get up at 7.15 to wake up TallGirl and then again at 8.05 to make sure she left the house and then again at 10.00 to help CarbBoy release the iPad from where Mr B was sleeping to avoid sinusitis-hell.
Prior to that, the hours between 4 and 6 am were spent devising a discreet and fashionable method of delivering a small but effective and continuous dose of Olbas Oil to each nostril. Brain fogged by lack of sleep and having a decomposing badger in my sinuses, I failed and reverted to reading my book. Until inevitably I fell asleep 10 minutes before my (first) alarm went off.
Freezing cold again today, and tonight the first frost is scheduled. But part of the bathroom is painted, and tomorrow there will be mince pies.
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