
Only took one photo today, oops. It's all a bit hectic on work/school days what with elf antics going on as well! Beautiful frost morning, and freezing cold day today. Beginning to look a lot like Winter round these parts. Was a bit of a shock to the system having to thaw the car.

Dylan's been learning "manners" at school today in another language. I can't figure out which one but he's enjoyed it! He said it was fun as they were allowed to play outside in the dark so he had a bike race with his friend Miles. Lily made a snowman picture with cotton wool snow :) We came home and all made tea together. Lily "I'm not Lily anymore, I'm MEcat" wanted to 'do the cheese' and Diddy wanted to chop everything so between them they peeled and chopped onions, cut up bacon with scissors and grated the cheese for a pasta bake.

Was funny on the way home listening to their convo in the car.
D "i know better than you about things, Lily. I know all about motorbikes and biscuits. Gingerbread men"
L "no you don't"
D "yes I do. You know about babies"
D "mummy knows about mummies and cooking" (i laughed)
Me "what does daddy know about then?"
D "daddy knows about working on the computer"

The boy really does like biscuits!

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