
By DancingAly

Give Me the Bubbles!

Oh my God, I'm pooped!

I was trying to have an early night, but ended up dog-sitting for Little B while my mum went shopping this evening! She did get me a couple of bits which saved me having to go myself which worked out well!

It is so cold today. I woke up cold (I sleep with the window open, pretty much whatever the weather!), was cold all day at work, and then this evening I overdid it with a boiling hot bath that left me weak and shaky! You can't win in winter, and it's not exactly my favourite time of year! Mum and Dad are off to Spain on Friday, so they will get a little dose of winter sun I'm sure. And you all know what that means. Yes, once again, I'll be camping out with R and Little B at the old Homestead for a few days! I swore after the summer I was never doing it again, and yet somehow I've been co-oerced into it. Secretly, although I miss my house and feel a bit unsettled when I go back, it is nice to relax and have a few days at Mum's, especially with Little B close by- lots of warm, doggy cuddles in the morning!

I had my session with A tonight. A bit of a weird one as she touched on a few things that made me uncomfortable. Not exactly what I needed when Friday is coming up, and she sewed a few seeds of doubt in my mind, not unlike my mum! I think I just seek their approval, and if I don't get it, then I begin to doubt myself. We'll see. I am prepared, and I will be ok.

And so to bed. I've felt a bit fragile today, like I'm coming down with something. Mum has a terrible cough and cold and isn't well, and I think it might be on it's way to me. The gift that keeps on giving ;-) Hopefully I will be good for Friday.

Nightie night.

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