
By scribbler

Things I keep handy, even though they're brown

December Challenge / Color / Brown
Books, pens, bags, stapler, cushion, I don't have much that's brown!

The books are two of my favorites: an Oxford RSV Study Bible and Edwin Bryant's brilliant 'Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.' I keep them both on my computer desk (which is also brown, a cherry finish if you really want to know, but every inch is covered with stuff so I couldn't shoot there).

The bags are an empty paper sack and a herringbone makeup bag from Estee Lauder that I keep my remotes in.

The pens are Tombow double-ended (brush and point) watercolor pens — huge favorites, though not the brown ones — and a Pitt Artist Pen with a brush tip.

The stapler has a wood grain finish.

The cushion is ... a cushion. To sit on. Where it's out of sight so you don't mind that it's brown.

Arranged on a wood floor.

Brown is a difficult color to look upon with warmth and charity. I almost came up as empty as the paper bag, but I persevered.


Did you know that red + green = brown?
But it has to be the right red and the right green, or the result is mud. The greyish sort, not the brown sort.

That's my final word on the subject of brown. Thank goodness that's over with!

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