Found and Lost

By Paused

Meeting place

This image comes from part of some abandoned garrison buildings located in the western heights close to where my blip yesterday was taken. Not a great distance from my house, so with current workload good for an early quick blip jaunt. In the derelict block are broken toilets and showers and small store rooms. This is the largest accessible room.

The block is quite hard to spot but my high vantage point yesterday suggested dereliction in this direction and the suggestion was spot on. The foliage surrounding the block has reached out and embraced the path, entrance and most of the building deterring random traffic.

It is pretty grim in there. There are instructions on the wall for when to return for non foliage based random embraces and plenty of police signs about “anti social behaviour”. The floor is littered with evidence of of some of this behaviour, anti social or otherwise.

Thanks to SarumStroller for hosting Derelict Thursday

I did expose some HDR sets in here but I prefer this one relying on the dynamic range and post processing of the digital negative.

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