
By analogconvert13

The Golden Cockerel. Leitz Elmar 135mm.

My Editor and I have a joke between us that I am given to "magpie tendencies": that is to say that I have an irresistible attraction to gaudy or brightly-colored objects.  It's actually quite out of character. None-the-less...  As I was driving through Harvard Square this morning, the sun glinted off the freshly-gilded weather vane atop the First Church Congregational, known in the musical community simply as the "Congo Church".  The organist and choir director is a well-respected harpsichordist and teacher in addition to his liturgical duties.  He has fostered a thriving musical life at the church.  As I peered through the viewfinder, I recalled that Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov composed an opera, "The Golden Cockerel", which was premiered in 1909.  The opera was based on Alexander Pushkin's 1834 poem, "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".  Thanks to Wiki for clarifying this information.  I can't help noticing what a crude job of carving was done on this chap; our Australian friends would call this a "real dumb-looking chook"!  Beautiful gilding job though and I do like the golden arrow.  

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