Behind the net curtains
A quick look around for a spot of dereliction this morning and I had my eye on this little place, looking very sorry for itself now, the undergrowth encroaching but the net curtains still in situ. It is of course SarumStroller's Derelict Thursday - doesn't it come round fast!
This afternoon I popped over to TJ's and we did her farm work, oddly passing by the old farm Himself had been lurking in earlier. A small round shetland pony greeted us cautiously. We then climbed up into the hills with fantastic views in every direction. Tea and chocolate in front of her sparkly new woodburner afterwards.
We're off to the UK bright and early on saturday for an action-packed few days. A quick blipmeet in Bristol, then we are going to stay with son#1 in Cardiff for a few days, then back to Bristol to see son#2 and then we are all meeting up to go to the Watershed to seeAardman's Lyp Synch Special - my brother is one of four animators showing their work and discussing what's happened over the last 25 years in animation since these short films burst upon the scene. 25 years! Eek!
I shall be having a blip break and will catch up next week. Be good.
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