Anno 1888

Hover like a fly (in winter?) on the wall and press 'L' if you want to admire the brickwork.

I don't know exactly what this building, constructed (and completed?) in 1888, was for, but I have the feeling the function was military.

Very grey day today but happily less cold and a lot less windy. Arms less painful compared to yesterday; thankful for a day of less pain. Looked up bone cancer symptoms and no, I don't have it. Positive.

The usual routine today, but better than yesterday ... finished and still finishing stuff I like -- info from the genealogy bureau being sorted out, did the bookkeeping (almost the end of the year), enjoying the ironing in the attic with my new portable heater, making hubby some tea and enjoying his presence. Now doesn't that sound gushy? I assure you I have written this in the utmost seriousness ... hahaha!

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