Happy day!!

I was woken up this morning at silly o'clock (6:25AM) by a little voice saying 'happy mothers day mummy, i mean the bestist mum in the world" Not a bad start to the day!
Then he ran off in to his room, and came back in with a card and a bunch of flowers, and i got another hug.
(he had asked me for some pennies yesterday, when we went to the shop, because he didn't have any, but he wanted to get me something for mothers day, he'd chose a card and some flowers, and had asked the shop assistant at the till to "bag them up so mummy can't peek at whats inside!") CUTE!!!

Today we went over to my mum and dads, had bacon and eggs for lunch THANKS DAD!! and then went out for a Sunday afternoon stroll, We played pooh sticks on this bridge for a while, and got a bit rained on, but i really enjoyed it.

In the car on the way home, Ty told me he'd had a fantastic day, then said he hoped i had too, because it is mothers day, and mothers are supposed to have the best fun of all.
Love his little views of the world, all seems so simple when your 8! :o)

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