
By Veronica

D is for Dough

And Drums. I'd have liked to take photos at the Incredible Drum Show we went to this evening, but it wasn't possible. So here's a freshly baked loaf of sourdough instead.

The Fills Monkey are two guys who are very accomplished drummers. I should mention that mad drummer solos are my least favourite part of jazz concerts, but somehow we were convinced to book for this show, along with a full house of other people. I had no idea how we could be entertained by two drummers for an hour and a quarter, but we were. They are technically very accomplished, but they use their skills to be very, very silly. They played drums with pingpong bats, badminton racquets, and tennis racquets. Then they played tennis using snare drums as racquets. They had adults and children rolling in the aisles with a show that had no spoken words, just drums, cymbals, gestures, light sabres, tennis balls, kazoos, grunts, shrieks -- and uncontrollable laughter. There are some videos here (click on Videos, then Clips -- Ping Pong and Tennis are particularly good).

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