A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Detective Fiction

The next piece of coursework I have due in is about the differences between the 'science of deduction' subgenre of detective fiction and the hard boiled tradition. I bought sone Sherlock Holmes stories with the voucher Rory's sister gave me for my birthday so I bought this today to aid with the hard boiled part of the essay.

This was one of the first hard boiled detective novels written and for it having been first published in 1939, it's incredibly easy to read!

Ive just found the best procrastination technique ever....read the book you need to read in order to write the essay. I'm a genius!

Kirstin came to collect this with me from Waterstones and I caused no amount of hassle for the poor lady in the shop because of my loyalty card....I apologise once again!

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