Christmas Bookings

Well, dang my poons, if yesterday’s blip didn’t get a bit of exposure via the Facebook and Twitter and end up getting hunners and hunners of views! I feel like lying back and lighting a big cigar. it’s OK though, I won’t let it go to my head. I’ll be modest and self-deprecating, same as ever. As long as you’re not fooled by that, of course.
So, to today! A start on the Christmas shopping. Not a great start, admittedly - I was intending to buy presents, but ended up with two bottles of port and a bottle of Springbank 10y.o. Though I did successfully buy some wrapping paper.
And later, in the Cafe, I was bought an Old Pulteney - a whisky I’ve always regarded as detestable and oily. It was quite enjoyable. I can only imagine they’ve upped their game. Surely my standards haven’t slipped?

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