Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

Soviet city

View of Bishkek, founded in 1825 as a Khokand fortress of "Pishpek" 'to control local caravan routes and to get tribute from Kyrgyz tribes'. In 1926 the city was given the name Frunze, after the Bolshevik military leader Mikhail Frunze, who was born here. In 1991, the Kyrgyz parliament changed the capital's name to Bishkek.

Wikipedia describes Bishkek as "a city of wide boulevards and marble-faced public buildings combined with numerous Soviet-style apartment blocks surrounding interior courtyards .. laid out on a grid pattern, with most streets flanked on both sides by narrow irrigation channels that water the innumerable trees which provide shade in the hot summers.".

An accurate description to which one could add "dilapidated in parts but trying hard to improve itself".

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