Beautiful presents

For those of you that have seen TeeJay's blip, you will know that it is my birthday today. Farmerboy arranged and had delivered the most beautiful arrangement of flowers. I read the card, and cracked up. Have a look at the link to TeeJay's blip to read it. So very sweet.

TeeJay (my wonderful boss) gave me this stunning necklace. I came home at lunch time and put it on, and wore it for the afternoon. I will treasure it T, you are so very kind and thoughtful.

I've had an awesome day - a great day at work with wonderful friends, and I have received some absolutely amazing gifts. I've been totally spoilt!

After work I had an hour long massage....just bliss. Then tonight Farmerboy cooked me tea. A wonderful roast lamb, veges, and then dessert. Delicious!

And to top it all off, the day has produced fantastic weather. Sun and 26 degrees.

What more could I want? Not a lot, because I have it all - a fantastic family and wonderful friends.

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