
By Elroyofderovers

Dubai - Perfection is Gods business

Still not great...no longer going to the Rugby 7's tomorrow (it's a bad idea, won't have the energy)...now "Breaking Bad" is done I decided to look for movies on Netflix. I have heard a lot of people going on about Blackfish and as a regular to Orlando I felt that I should watch it.

Having now watched it, I have moved my view slightly compared to my view before hand. Saying that, I still can't abide the people that are outraged by the situation, especially these outraged ex-employees.

What I heard watching the movie was:

That large animals in captivity can be dangerous and as a result there will be incidents if people are in contact with them - nothing new and surely common sense.

That keeping animals in captivity is not the same as animals living in the wild, to witch there are both Pro's and Con's - nothing new and surely common sense.

That people can work in these environments and even do things they know to be wrong, yet be so remorseful afterwards when appearing on a documentary or on the news etc - if these people are as morally square as they come across, they wouldn't have worked for these companies for so long in the first place.

That Corp's that dealing in animal related entertainment have as much moral fibre as the Corp next door not dealing in such emotive sectors - what is new, again common sense. Business is Business to these people.

That human's are human's and flawed in many ways, even when trying to do good - nothing new and sad but true reality.

That the first animals used in such a way (entertainment) where actually kidnapped from the wild rather than rescued - giving that is how circuses etc started I am not really surprised, although I still find it pretty harrowing.

That it is very easy to get taking in by all the Corp magic at places like Seaworld, but I didn't expect them to lie so blatantly - people want to believe in animal rescue and nurturing etc, these companies tell us what we want to hear.

What I already know is that these places aren't going to go away. They aren't going to put the animals 100% before business profits and create the perfect environment. That human's will always be flawed and be cruel or make mistakes. That the care of these animals is ten fold better than it was 20 years ago. That documentary makers will always have an angle in their movie making. That there are always two sides to every story, even if some of them aren't right. That human's are super hypocritical.

Will I go back to one of these places. Yes.

Why? Because I believe that at the core these places now want to do more good than bad. Granted it wasn't the original motivation, but they have worked out that they need to do more and try harder in order to stay in business. Also, unless we are going to drastically change how animal rescue etc is funded, they will do more good than bad in the World.

"Perfection is Gods business"

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