Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A chance meeting

Well the weekend has arrived and 60% of the teaching is finished and I have survived quite well. I seem to be well (touch wood) no recurrence of infection which means my prophylactic dose of anti biotics is working and I think this is helping my general well being. I have had a celebratory tsing tau before bed and just over a week tomorrow I will be heading home.

On my way to teaching tonight I turned a corner and came across the young man in the picture. It must be three years since I had last seen him. He was one of the first graduates from our degree programme way back in 2005/6. He was a good student and wanted to go on to further studies. He befriended me on facebook and I have had the occasional meeting with him. But this was purely chance and he was returning from his graduation ceremony for his Doctorate. I think the first graduate from our programme of over 1000 graduates to reach that landmark. He was pleased to see me and took some photos and I got his friend to take a quick one of us and then I thought I would share it with you.

I have survived an intense week of preparation and teaching. The course is going well and though I have some more work to do at the weekend, I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow we have a party for the students and staff so duty calls and then I will eat with local friends at their house tomorrow evening. I am so behind with commenting and with some of my UK work but I do feel quite good and for that I feel very grateful.

So have a good weekend all my blipper friends!

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