
By JennyD

Baubles for sale

The little girl was spoilt for choice and the little boy just wanted to touch everything!
We received a visit this afternoon from the vicar's granddaughter. He was our village priest 1905-1924. She brought a presentation document signed by all the parishioners who had subscribed to the leaving gift which was a cheque for him and 2 armchairs for his wife!
I have nearly completed the House Building Survey of the twentieth century and it is astonishing how much of the village housing stock was built in the 1970's.
Dusk is falling so AD will be off to his regular Friday visit to the pub and my attention is turning Ham and Cauliflower Stew. Awful name but It's in this month's Good Housekeeping and all the ingredients were already to hand, so here goes! (A wee glass to lubricate the process maybe?)

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