
By stujphoto

Treescape Garden

This is probably the first IR I have done that I am reasonably satisfied with as it has as nice range of tones, gives a slightly eerie effect without overdoing the white foliage. This is the garden in the tiny village of Pitcox in East Lothian. My blips are few a far between currently so I hope I am not boring you silly with my IR experimentation.

The latter part of this week has been given over to upgrading my computer as I am fast running out of hard disk space and the computer is running very slowly. I've decided to stop backing up using Time Machine as I have filled a 4TB internal HD in just a year and I am using cloned internal and external drive to back up my images. I've invested in a solid state drive, which I will use just for my OS and Applications and hopefully get a real burst of speed.

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