Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Diane: Awesomum.

My mum's awesome. I can say this because I wrote that in her mother's day card this morning. Thus it must be true.

I know most people say their mum is their best friend/idol/confidant/person who gives you cash when you're strapped, but in my mum's case these things are all true x10. We have a wonderful relationship where we can be completely honest with one another, and have had that since I was pretty young.

She's always said 'you can tell me anything' and I always have and she's never once judged me or told me I wasn't doing the right thing. In fact sometimes I think I'm too honest with her, but she doesn't judge me for that either!

She's disagreed with my choices sometimes but always tries to see things from my point of view. We rarely argued when I was growing up unless it was to do with my untidy room (and I'd always throw back at her 'at least I'm in my room making it untidy instead of going out and doing drugs!!')

She never tells me I can't do anything (even the ridiculous things) to the point where I'm pretty sure I'm limitless (read: immortal ;))

Even though when I was growing up it was just she and I, I never felt as though I was missing out on anything. Whether it was actual stuff or time and attention. And despite being an only child, I like to think that because she's kept me grounded I'm not a selfish typical only child brat. She trod a fine line between giving me what I needed and not always what I wanted. (She's probably also going to tell me trod isn't a word....)

Even when I hit my low and was worried about how she might think of me, I called her, spoke to her and took her advice (she's never wrong: fact). I cried a lot too and she was there for that too even though she must have been disappointed.

I always listen to her and trust her because she is older and wiser and has been through more than me. And I like to think I'm mature enough to appreciate that and sometimes do things I wouldn't necessarily have chosen myself. And they've always worked out.

She's never coddled me or told me I'm perfect. She knows I'm not and manages to make sure I know this without highlighting my flaws and making me feel bad about myself.

She's always the first person I tell important news to. And she always remembers when I've got things going on and what I'm doing.

She's never been a mumsy type. She didn't make me birthday cakes (but went out her way to get me special ones) or clean my room for me (because she'd probably have got lost in there if she had) or did my washing (obviously I mean when I was older, she didn't sit me in front of the washing machine at age 3 and show me how to use it). But I've never regretted that because she's always been a million other more important things.

Things my mum will get that no one else will:

1. Officer down!!
2. Of course 'an' is a word......use it in a sentence?
3. So that episode of Family Guy was on. The one set in 'Hitler Time'.
4. Her falling out of the car on mother's day. And me laughing. She didn't laugh.
5. Making a bellyflop noise on the laminate while practicing my 'high kicks'
6. It's not red, its burgendy!!
7. Well....she can recite Mary Has a Little Lamb?
8. It begins with an F right? Is it Fable?
9. Finding that moth in my hand in Orlando when I was 8.
10. The 'Emi's Mommy' shirt. (I'm trying to see the funny side 3 years on I promise ;) )

There's millions more that I've forgotten that I'm sure I'll hear about once she's read this but those really stick out.

Thank you for being my best friend. xx

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