Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Day 5 of my personal advent calendar.

I work full time (37.5 hours) over 4 days, Mon - Thur. So Friday is my day off, and when I usually get most of the housework and washing etc. done. Due to this horrible cold and cough, which will not go away ( I was nearly sick in Lidl's the other day, as I coughed so much. I was mortified!), I've not felt much like doing housework, so the whole place was looking pretty grubby.

Anyway, I got stuck in and had a really good clean up, windows cleaned etc. Then an electrician came and replaced a faulty socket, so my cooker hood is working again - hurrah!

Quite chuffed with myself the number of wee jobs I got done this week; got my car mini-valeted as it was absolutely filthy, and it's booked in for its service on Tuesday. I put Arlo's jacket into a dress maker to get the zip replaced. I got a present for Kian's birthday, and I got my work 'Secret Santa' scheme organised.

Gordon is going out tonight, so after I drop him off I'm going to settle down with glass of wine and get the Christmas cards done. They are in one of these bags of Chrismas shopping which are currently taking over the spare room.

I'd love to think I could make a start on the wrapping, but I know it will be at least midnight before I finish the cards!

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